Sign the Petition

Businesses and individuals tend to care more about their self-interests, than protecting our precious environment.

As your Attorney General, I will:

  • Hold businesses that harm our precious natural resources accountable
  • Investigate and prosecute polluters when they break the law
  • Aggressively protect our natural resources
  • Assist local jurisdictions with resources and effective prosecution of environmental crimes

California has some of the strongest environmental laws in the country. But these laws mean little if we don’t strongly enforce them. 

California is the most wonderfully diverse state. On one day, you can go skiing, and the next day,  you can be surfing at the beach. You can be hiking in the mountains and you can be kayaking in a lake or on a river.

We must protect these natural resources. 

When businesses and individuals choose to pollute our waterways, our streams, or dump items that ultimately harm our environment, we must investigate and prosecute those who are being careless with our environment.

As your next state Attorney General, I will have a duty to investigate and prosecute those who are destroying our natural resources, and enforce our environmental laws to the fullest extent.

And if we are not willing to protect our environment, we're going to lose that beauty and quality of life that we all love here in California and the way that we maintain that is we aggressively prosecute and investigate environmental crimes. 

Proactively prosecute environmental Polluters

See other priorities


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3053 Freeport Blvd. 238 Sacramento, CA 95818

Paid for by Schubert for Attorney General 2022 (ID# 1437995)